Massage Therapy
Massage therapy offers a non-invasive, drug free, humanistic approach based upon your bodies natural ability to heal itself. Massage therapy can help alleviate back and neck pain as well as aid in the reduction of everday stress and tension.
We are fortunate to have three of the best Massage therapist in Brandon, Florida. We will often compliment Massage therapy with your Chiropractic care by scheduling those Massages prior to your Chiropractic visits. This provides the patient with a better opportunity to respond by obtaining a more effective Chiropractic adjustment. The majority of our patients prefer deep tissue massage as it oftens provides a better outcome for back and neck pain.
In order to provide Massage therapy to the public, all massage therapist are required to be licensed by the state they wish to work in. Massage therapist are required to have graduated with a high school diploma or G.E.D.. Massage therapist must have completed a course of study from a “Board of Massage Therapy” approved school. They must complete a 2 hour course on prevention of medical errors along with passing the National Certification Examination in Therapeutic Massage. Finally, they submit an application along with a fee for licensure to the State Board, for the state in which they wish to practice.
Rest assured, our massage therapists of Brandon, Florida are in good standing and licensed within the State of Florida. They are required to further their education and training through annual state approved seminars for the latest updates on state laws, code of ethics and techniques.
Our massage therapist:
- Meribel Hernandez, lic.#77048, Hours MW -3 – 7 pm. T-Thur-Sat – 8 – 12 noon
We offer deep tissue massage, sports massage, neuromuscular therapy and relaxation massage.
Some insurances will pay for massage when deemed medically necessary by your Chiropractor.
Massage therapy appointments must be scheduled in advance.